Thursday 24 January 2013

Completed DVD Sleeve

This is my completed DVD sleeve.  It is like any other DVD sleeve it has on the front of it a main focus which is the main character, the title which is big a clear, it has a tagline, the stars of the film at the top of the sleeve and at the bottom there is bbfc rating and the DVD logo.  On the spine of the DVD sleeve there is the title of the film like most DVD sleeves and the bbfc rating and the DVD logo.  Then on the back there is a synopsis which most DVD sleeves have so for people who haven't seen it can read it and get the feel for the film,  there is screenshots of other scenes in the film, a special features bar, a credit bar for telling people who produced the film and directed it etc, it has an information bar as well so people can know what region the DVD is and how long it is on for etc.  It has a barcode which a DVD needs so that it can be bought and then it has the company who made the film and the bbfc rating and DVD logo.  

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