Wednesday 19 December 2012

Film Poster Development

Firstly I took some pictures of Adam because he is who I used for my poster.

I took about 4 pictures but this is the one I decided to use.

I then went onto Google to get a good picture for my background it took me a while but I eventually found this one which I thought was good.

 Next I added in the main focus which is Adam in his suit.

 Next I added the title onto my film poster where the beginning of the title is a small font and the second part of it is larger so it stands out more.  I got the font from a website called da font.

After adding the title I added the tagline and I placed it under the title so that it was visible to see.

Then I added a BBFC rating of 15 and and I added the lionsgate logo because that is who created the film. 

I then added a title bar at the bottom of the poster and this just tells you who did the music, costume, edit, produced and directed it.

Finally I added the actors at the top of the poster I put Adam's name, Ashley Roberts and Sir Ben Kingsley.

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