Thursday 22 November 2012

20 Things To Do On Photoshop

This image has inverted colours.

Gaussian Blur has been added to this image.

Bass relief has been added to this image.

This photo is in black and white.

This is the image in photocopy.

In this image the colour balance has been changed.

Motion Blur has been added to this image.

Film Grain has been added to this image.

On this image the clone stamp has been used.

Noise has been added to this image.

I used brush tool on this image.

I made this image look like an oil painting.

In this picture I added plastic wrap.

I made this image like a stained glass window.

In this image I used the eraser to rub out his eyes.

In this image I have added the mosaic effect.

In this image I have added some text with a drop shadow.

On this image I added a diffuse glow.

On this image I have added a lens flare.

On this image i rotated it 180 degrees

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Start to Photoshop

This is the original picture of a random girl posing and we practiced on Photoshop to make her look better. 

To make her look better I started to get rid of her freckles and spots by using the Spot Healing Brush Tool what you did was go over area of the spot of the freckle you wanted to remove and it would go you couldn't do it to much because t would make her look to waxy.  Next I went onto Filter, Blur and Smart Blur and it gave her a sort of animated look.  Then we erased some of her features that didn't look good with smart blur so I erased her hair, mouth, eyes and eyebrows.  I then changed the colour of her eyes by selecting the brush tool and changing the colour same with the lips and her teeth but with the teeth I had to turn down the flow and opacity so her teeth didn't look to white.